account of holidays, Diwali was celebrated much earlier this year on November
4, 2015 at ABV-IIITM. With an awe inspiring decoration effort complimenting the
name festival of lights, we put much of our effort in decorating ourselves and
arrived on the venue in front of the Administration block at seven in the
evening. Then the fun began with the Rangoli making competition. Almost 10
teams of almost five each took part in this event and ended up creating some
miraculous pieces. Then we had a “dia” designing competition held. Students
painted their lamps and consequently the floor beneath. With similar
participation the lamps finally received their honors in being lit by our
prestigious teachers Dr. Joydeep Dhar and Dr. Anurag Srivastav. Then we began
the fireworks session gently with a few sparklers and flower pots. Then we
moved on to the more exciting bombs and rockets. Safety was the first priority
and this ensured that no mishaps occurred, well almost all of them. Then began
the usual, traditional DJ night with students dancing their batteries out. But
this didn’t stop a few freaks from running to the ground for a few shots at
crackers, well the more explosive ones. Finally the event ended at nine o’ in
the evening. The fun we had might have exhausted us but still hearts demand the
next year Diwali comes sooner than it should.